Life's Meaning
What is life’s meaning?
Your task is to find a song that addresses this question. You are then to analyze what you take to be the central point of the song. What is the song writer trying to say about the meaning of life?
ChatGPT seems to think the following songs are examples:
“What’s It All About, Alfie?” by Dionne Warwick Originally from the movie “Alfie”, this song asks directly about the meaning of life, prompted by the film’s story of a man who leads a self-centered life.
“Let It Be” by The Beatles A song inspired by Paul McCartney’s dream about his mother during a tense period. It suggests an acceptance of life as it is and finding solace in moments of trouble.
“The Meaning of Life” by Monty Python From the comedy troupe’s film of the same name, this song humorously addresses the question of life’s meaning.
“Dust in the Wind” by Kansas A reflective song that uses the metaphor of dust in the wind to describe the transient nature of life.
Some that I could think of include:
- I Got a Car by George Strait. Strait suggests that good friends are all that one needs.
- Rich and Sad by Post Malone. Malone doesn’t necessarily need friends plural, but rather just one friend friend in particular.
Some papers that we read inference possible answers to this question include:
Mill’s Utilitarianism:
All acts are directed towards some end. This end is happiness.
As such, it seems that the meaning of life is to pursue happiness.
Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics
Doesn’t think that anyone would choose to live without friends.
Rosalind Hursthouse’s Virtue Theory and Abortion:
An action is right iff it is one that would be performed by the virtuous agent.
The virtuous agent is the one who has the traits and dispositions necessary to live a fulfilling life
She later considers the question about motherhood giving one’s life meaning.
If we are to go on to talk about good human lives, in the context of abortion, we have to bring in our thoughts about the value of love and family life, and our proper emotional development through a natural life cycle. The familiar facts support the view that parenthood in general, and motherhood and childbearing in particular, are intrinsically worth-while, are among the things that can be correctly thought to be partially constitutive of a flourishing human life. ’4 If this is right, then a woman who opts for not being a mother (at all, or again, or now) by opting for abortion may thereby be manifesting a flawed grasp of what her life should be, and be about-a grasp that is childish, or grossly materialistic, or shortsighted, or shallow
But this statement seems to suggest that what it means to have a good life, or what gives a life meaning are such values as love, family life etc, and that they can only be realized in the context of motherhood. But what about the doctor who serves in the organization doctors without borders? She largely serves in politically unstable countries and so would not be able to safely take care of a child while serving in such areas. She is realizing the values of love and family life, although not traditional but every bit as real.
Rand’s Man’s Rights.:
Is pursuing one’s own happiness a necessary component of finding meaning in life?
Aquinas on law:
For Aquinas, the human law is human kind’s participation in the Divine Law, a law that comes from a ruler who governs a perfect community.
First, because it is by law that man is directed how to perform his proper acts in view of his last end.
The following are some questions you may ask yourself
E.g., what do you find valuable, what is important to you, what makes an action significant beyond an immediate context? Which actions can you point to, that have had lasting ramifications for your life? Which actions can you attribute to each new event and circumstance? Birth? Education? A singular moment of clarity?
Some draw distinctions between meaningfulness and significance however:
Singer 1996, 112-18; Belliotti 2019, 145-50, 186.
Is a meaningless life one that is absurd? Nagel 1970; 1986; 214-23. What about the question itself? One may very well think “who cares?”
Consider the following thought experiment:
You are in a hospital surrounded by expensive equipment. Your child is lying in the bed, sick. Do you think “one day, the sun will supernova and all this (gesturing to the equipment and your daughter) will be over. What’s the point to it all?” No you do not, you only care about your daughter getting well. As such, it would seem that the question itself is absurd.
Is there something about human nature that can attribute meaning to life, or exhibit meaning in life? Think of mother Teresa, Ghandi, Martin Luther and Martin Luther King. Perhaps there is no meaning to life and so individuals such as these create their own meaning.
Some other questions that arise when thinking about the meaning of life, can include what we find beautiful about life, what is good, what truths can be found in life?